Course Outline
- Real world use cases: banks, global payments, and digital exchange
Overview of bank-to-bank transfers
Overview of Blockchain and cryptocurreny
Ripple architectural overview
Developer tools for building Ripple solutions
The Ripple Gateway
Listing XRP as an exchange
Issuing and operational addresses
Payment Channels
Set up a rippled instance
Submitting transactions
XRP Escrow
Integrating the Ripple payment system with third-party projects
Ripple APIs: RippleAPI (Javascript), Rest, RCP, Websocket, and JSON
Creating and launching a Ripple client application
Joining and contributing to the Ripple community
Closing remarks
- A basic understanding of Blockchain technology
- A basic understanding of Bitcoin and cryptography
- Developers
- Technical persons in the banking and financial industry
Testimonials (1)
Mr. Chen has plenty of knowledge and experiences in the blockchain domain. I liked the sections that he was willing to discuss with me on some real sceanrios. He had a very clear view on the questions and gave me different advised/suggestions which I had in the real case. He was not selling his ideas but guided me to understand this new technology from different perspectives, by explaining pros/cons for each situations.